Commit 61ea216a authored by Chiara Di Fronzo's avatar Chiara Di Fronzo

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parent 35c4d160
\chapter{First detection}
On 14th September 2015 the two LIGO antennas observed for the first time a signal from a gravitational wave produced by the merger of two black holes. This was the very first time that a merger of such massive and elusive objects could be observed.\\
The gravitational-wave signal has been named GW150914 and has been emitted by 2 black hole of masses of 36 $M_{\odot}$ and 29 $M_{\odot}$, which merged at a distance of 410 Mpc (z = 0.09)and produced a final BH of 62 $M_{\odot}$. The remaining 3 $M_{\odot}$ have been radiated in gravitational waves. Fig. \ref{gwsig} shows the signal detected from LIGO Hanford and LIGO Livingston.\\
This detection has been the result of a wide scientific collaboration which efforts made possible a discovery that deserved the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 to the pioneers of gravitational wave hunting \textit{'for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves'}.
\caption[First detection of a gravitatonal wave signal.]{First detection of a gravitational wave signal \cite{first}. The event is shown for both observatories at the time of observation 09:50:45 UTC on 14th September 2015. The top row is the gravitational wave amplitude for Hanford (H1) and Livingston (L1). In the L1 panel, there is a visual comparison of the two signals: the wave passe through L1 first, H1 signal (in orange) is shifted by the 6.9 ms of difference, and inverted due to their mutual orientation. The second row shows the consistency of the measured signal with expectations independently computed. Third row shows the residuals after subtraction of the measured time series and the numerical waveform. Bottom row is the same signal in frequency vs time, where it is evident the increase of frequency with time.}
\includegraphics[scale=0.8, angle=90]{images/logos.pdf}
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\chapter{Assembling suspension chains for A+ at LHO}
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\chapter{First detection}
On 14th September 2015 the two LIGO antennas observed for the first time a signal from a gravitational wave produced by the merger of two black holes. This was the very first time that a merger of such massive and elusive objects could be observed.\\
The gravitational-wave signal has been named GW150914 and has been emitted by 2 black hole of masses of 36 $M_{\odot}$ and 29 $M_{\odot}$, which merged at a distance of 410 Mpc (z = 0.09)and produced a final BH of 62 $M_{\odot}$. The remaining 3 $M_{\odot}$ have been radiated in gravitational waves. Fig. \ref{gwsig} shows the signal detected from LIGO Hanford and LIGO Livingston.\\
This detection has been the result of a wide scientific collaboration which efforts made possible a discovery that deserved the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 to the pioneers of gravitational wave hunting \textit{'for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves'}.
\caption[First detection of a gravitatonal wave signal.]{First detection of a gravitational wave signal \cite{first}. The event is shown for both observatories at the time of observation 09:50:45 UTC on 14th September 2015. The top row is the gravitational wave amplitude for Hanford (H1) and Livingston (L1). In the L1 panel, there is a visual comparison of the two signals: the wave passe through L1 first, H1 signal (in orange) is shifted by the 6.9 ms of difference, and inverted due to their mutual orientation. The second row shows the consistency of the measured signal with expectations independently computed. Third row shows the residuals after subtraction of the measured time series and the numerical waveform. Bottom row is the same signal in frequency vs time, where it is evident the increase of frequency with time.}
\includegraphics[scale=0.8, angle=90]{images/logos.pdf}
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......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ LHO = LIGO Hanford Observaotry\\
LLO = LIGO Livingston Observatory\\
LP = Low Pass filter\\
LSC = Length Sensing and Control\\
LVDT = Linear Variable Displacement Transformer\\
LVK = Ligo-Virgo-Kagra meeting\\
MCA = Mid-Course Assessment\\
MICH = Michelson length\\
......@@ -118,17 +119,16 @@ STRUCTURE OF THESIS [DRAFT]\\
PART I: Gravitational astrophysics\\
Chapter 1: Gravitational waves and sources\\
Chapter 2: low frequency window and multimessenger astronomy\\
PART II: Detectors and seismic isolation\\
Chapter 3: Interferometry and Advanced LIGO\\
Chapter 4: Inertial sensors and optical levers\\
PART III: Lowering seismic noise\\
PART II: Lowering seismic noise\\
Chapter 4: Inertial sensors and optical levers\\
Chapter 5: Seismic isolation at LHO\\
Chapter 6: Laser stabilization for 6D seismic isolation\\
Appendix A: first GW detection\\
Appendix B: control loops
Appendix A: Assembling suspension chains for A+ at LHO\\
Appendix B: control loops\\
Appendix C: first GW detection
......@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ Appendix B: control loops
%\appendix C on my work in LIGO labs
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