function dtt2mlab(testType,testPath,testList,commentList,outputPath,outputList,workPath,toolDir) % DTT2MLAB - runs DTT template, preps Matlab output % Inputs % testType - how to run test (0-read,1-interactive,2-background) % testPath - directory of test files % testList - list of test files in testPath % commentList - list of comments for each test in list % outputPath - directory to save results % outputList - list of result files % workPath - (optional) directory to save work files % toolDir - (optional) directory for dtt2mlab % % - A. Lombardi - July 13, 2012 - % % This example script opens a DTT template, runs the test, and returns results. % This requires the python script in the same directory. % You build a DTT template and add the information about it to the User % values block below. The template will be copied to the current directory % (i.e. the directory containing this script) with a timestamp in front of % it. This template will be opened and you can run it. After running the % test, save it and hit enter in the Matlab terminal. This will return a % matlab structure called "result" to the workspace and save this structure % to a file that you specify % % March 15, 2013 - K. Thorne - now a proper function % % Files you need in toolDir: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % User values %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % if(nargin < 7) workPath = testPath; end if(nargin < 8) userDir = getenv('USERAPPS_DIR'); if(isempty(userDir)) userDir = '/opt/rtcds/userapps/release'; end toolDir = fullfile(userDir,'cds/common/scripts/dtt2mlab'); end pyScript = fullfile(toolDir,''); % where does the python script live %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % define outputs from tempDataFile = fullfile(workPath,'temporary.dat'); tempInFile = fullfile(workPath,'temporaryin.dat'); tempParamFile = fullfile(workPath,'temporaryparams.dat'); % Get runtime, nChan, and dttMethod strlen=length(testList); if testType == 0 disp('Getting data without running tests') end nChan={}; dttMethod={}; for i = 1:strlen testFile = fullfile(testPath,testList{i}); if testType == 0 dttMeth='5'; else dttMeth='10'; end teststring = horzcat('python',' ',pyScript,' ',testFile,' ',workPath,' ','0',' ','0',' ',dttMeth); system(teststring); % inputvals = importdata(tempInFile); delete(tempInFile); nChan{i}=inputvals(2); dttMethod{i}=inputvals(1); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% strlen=length(testList); for i = 1:strlen if length(commentList)==1 comment = commentList; else comment = commentList{i}; end fprintf('Looking at test %s',testList{i}); testFile = fullfile(testPath,testList{i}); saveFile = fullfile(outputPath,outputList{i}); [~,timeNow] = system('tconvert now'); timeStr = timeNow(1:10); testXmlName = horzcat(timeStr,'-',testList{i}); testXmlFile = fullfile(workPath,testXmlName); copyfile(testFile,testXmlFile); methStr = num2str(dttMethod{i}); nchStr = num2str(nChan{i}); switch testType % testType = 0 - do test with python, but just read data case 0 runMeth = '0'; % testType = 1 - do test with diaggui case 1 filecommand=horzcat('diaggui -open ',testXmlFile,' &'); system(filecommand); cont = input('Press enter after saving .xml file'); runMeth = '0'; % testType = 2 - do test with diag using python case 2 runMeth = '1'; otherwise return end % call to run test teststring = horzcat('python',' ',pyScript,' ',testXmlFile,' ',workPath,' ',nchStr,' ',runMeth,' ',methStr); system(teststring); % get number of channels/columns A = importdata(tempDataFile); [rows,cols] = size(A); % open data file fid = fopen(tempDataFile,'r'); fid2 = fopen(tempParamFile,'r'); fltstrng = '%f '; format=repmat(fltstrng,1,cols); data = textscan(fid, format); param = textscan(fid2, '%s','delimiter','\n'); [h,w] = size(data); f=data{1}; if dttMethod{i} == 0 ps=[]; for colnum = 2:nChan{i}+1 if colnum <= w ps=[ps,data{colnum}]; end end coh=[]; for colnum = nChan{i}+2:nChan{i}*2+1 if colnum <= w coh=[coh,data{colnum}]; end end tf=[]; for colnum = nChan{i}*2+2:2:nChan{i}*4+1 if colnum <= w tf=[tf,complex(data{colnum},-data{colnum+1})]; end end result = struct('f',f,'tf',tf,'ps',ps,'coh',coh,'param',param,'comment',comment); elseif dttMethod{i} == 1 coh=[]; for colnum = 2:nChan{i}+1 if colnum <= w coh=[coh,data{colnum}]; end end tf=[]; for colnum = nChan{i}+2:2:nChan{i}*3+1 if colnum <= w tf=[tf,complex(data{colnum},data{colnum+1})]; end end result = struct('f',f,'tf',tf,'coh',coh,'param',param,'comment',comment); end save(saveFile,'result'); if testType == 0 delete(testXmlFile); end end delete(tempInFile); delete(tempDataFile); delete(tempParamFile); if length(testList) == 1 clearvars -except result else clearvars end