Commit e78346d5 authored by Chiara Di Fronzo's avatar Chiara Di Fronzo

changes to fig captions in chapters. Introduction added to main file

parent 9e53c28e
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The configuration of aLIGO is shown in Fig. \ref{aligo}: it is a Michelson inter
\caption{Advanced LIGO configuration as proposed in \cite{ligo}.}
\caption[Advanced LIGO layout]{Advanced LIGO configuration as proposed in \cite{ligo}.}
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Fig. \ref{sens} shows the sensitivity of LIGO during the first observation run w
\caption{Advanced LIGO sensitivity during the first observation run (O1) \cite{abb}. The sensitivity curve tells us that we can observe an event emitting gravitational waves of a given amplitude at a given frequency in an average observation time of 1 s. Since every source emits waves at a certain frequency and amplitude, lowering the curve means opening the viewing on currently hidden sources.}
\caption[Advanced LIGO sensitivity curve]{Advanced LIGO sensitivity during the first observation run (O1) \cite{abb}. The sensitivity curve tells us that we can observe an event emitting gravitational waves of a given amplitude at a given frequency in an average observation time of 1 s. Since every source emits waves at a certain frequency and amplitude, lowering the curve means opening the viewing on currently hidden sources.}
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Noise sources make LIGO blind in some frequency windows: technological limitatio
\caption{Noise budget of LIGO Hanford Obsevatory \cite{mar}.}
\caption[Advanced LIGO noise budget]{Noise budget of LIGO Hanford Obsevatory \cite{mar}.}
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Every optic needs to be stable with respect to seismic motion, because movements
\caption{Schematic view of the vacuum chambers enclosing the optics \cite{mat}. There are 5 BSCs and 6 HAMs, for a total of 11 vacuum chambers for each LIGO. Each chamber provides a mixture of passive-active isolation from seismic motion, using pendulums, inertial sensors and hydraulic systems.}
\caption[Advanced LIGO vacuum system]{Schematic view of the vacuum chambers enclosing the optics \cite{mat}. There are 5 BSCs and 6 HAMs, for a total of 11 vacuum chambers for each LIGO. Each chamber provides a mixture of passive-active isolation from seismic motion, using pendulums, inertial sensors and hydraulic systems.}
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ The HAMs provide five levels of isolation, among which there is the Internal Sei
\caption{Schematic (a) and CAD model (b) of a HAM chamber \cite{mat}. Suspensions of auxiliary optics provide levels of passive isolation above 10 Hz. The ISI platforms where the suspensions live are optical tables actively isolated via low noise inertial sensors at low frequency ($\sim 0.1 Hz$). The hydraulic attenuators of the \textit{Hydraulic External Pre-Isolator} (HEPI) and the geophones gives isolation from ground motion.}
\caption[Advanced LIGO HAM chamber design]{Schematic (a) and CAD model (b) of a HAM chamber \cite{mat}. Suspensions of auxiliary optics provide levels of passive isolation above 10 Hz. The ISI platforms where the suspensions live are optical tables actively isolated via low noise inertial sensors at low frequency ($\sim 0.1 Hz$). The hydraulic attenuators of the \textit{Hydraulic External Pre-Isolator} (HEPI) and the geophones gives isolation from ground motion.}
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ The BSCs have a similar design as the HAMs, but they have two stages of ISI to s
\caption{Schematic (a) and CAD model (b) of a BSC chamber \cite{mat}. The active isolation is similar to the one exposed for HAM chambers. The two ISIs provide two stages of isolation while and the suspensions are design to be quadruple pendulums, for a total of seven levels of isolation.}
\caption[Advanced LIGO BSC chamber design]{Schematic (a) and CAD model (b) of a BSC chamber \cite{mat}. The active isolation is similar to the one exposed for HAM chambers. The two ISIs provide two stages of isolation while and the suspensions are design to be quadruple pendulums, for a total of seven levels of isolation.}
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ The sensor correction loop takes the ground motion signal from an inertial instr
\caption{Control loop of a generic HAM-ISI platform. Similar block diagrams can be applied for BSC-ISI platforms, including relative position sensors between the two stages of ISIs. \textbf{Green:} there is an inertial sensor measuring the ground motion along the x axis (GNDx), a Capacitive Position Sensor (CPS) measuring relative motions between the platform and the ground. Rotational sensors take care of tilt motion and GS13 are seismometers measuring seismic motion. Tilt and GS13 sensors are both placed on the platform. \textbf{Blue:} the Sensor Correction (SC) filter is typically a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) designed to provide required magnitude and phase match at 100 mHz (where isolation is needed). High- and low-pass filters (LP and HP) manipulate the signals from the low and high frequency sensors and are blended to form the super sensor, which output is sent to the control loop in \textbf{pink}. The overall corrected signal is then sent to the plant (\textbf{yellow}), which represents the processing phase for platform motion actuation.}
\caption[Control loop for a generic HAM-ISI]{Control loop of a generic HAM-ISI platform. Similar block diagrams can be applied for BSC-ISI platforms, including relative position sensors between the two stages of ISIs. \textbf{Green:} there is an inertial sensor measuring the ground motion along the x axis (GNDx), a Capacitive Position Sensor (CPS) measuring relative motions between the platform and the ground. Rotational sensors take care of tilt motion and GS13 are seismometers measuring seismic motion. Tilt and GS13 sensors are both placed on the platform. \textbf{Blue:} the Sensor Correction (SC) filter is typically a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) designed to provide required magnitude and phase match at 100 mHz (where isolation is needed). High- and low-pass filters (LP and HP) manipulate the signals from the low and high frequency sensors and are blended to form the super sensor, which output is sent to the control loop in \textbf{pink}. The overall corrected signal is then sent to the plant (\textbf{yellow}), which represents the processing phase for platform motion actuation.}
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
\chapter{Gravitational waves}
\chapter{A new window on the Universe}
\label{ch: Ch.1}
The approach given in this thesis to introduce gravitational waves starts from the concept of gravity: gravity is not a force, but it is a property of the spacetime. This statement has been proved by General Relativity.\\
In this chapter we will briefly go through the reason why gravitational waves are an astrophysical phenomenon and how it is possible to detect them.\\
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ In this frame, the energy-momentum tensor of matter $T_{ik}$ is defined from the
where m is the mass of a particle a.\\
Now that we have the elements describing geometry, displacements, the curvature of the spacetime and the energy distribution, physical interactions can be built on them. In particular, we are interested in the gravitational fields.
\paragraph{The Einstein's equations}
\subsection{The Einstein's equations}
The dynamical equations derivated by Einstein consider the energy-momentum tensor $T_{ik}$ acting as a source of gravity propagating in the spacetime as a wave, having the form of series of wave equations for the metric $g_{ik}$ in presence of curvature\footnote{A heuristic derivation of the Eintein's equations can be found in \cite{nar}, while a derivation based on the non-linear effect of the gravitational fields can be found in \cite{wei}.}:
......@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ M_c = \frac{(m_1 m_2)^{3/5}}{(m_1 + m_2)^{1/5}}.
Typically, the amplitude of a gravitational wave is of the order of $h \sim 10^{-21} $ $1/\sqrt{Hz}$, very small: masses able to deform the fabric of the spacetime and generate gravitational waves are of the order of more than the solar mass $M_{\odot}$, so they need to be looked for in the Universe.
%servono masse molto grandi, quindi vanno cercate nell'Universo: possibili candidati
\paragraph{Sources of gravitational waves}
\subsection{Sources of gravitational waves}
Fig. \ref{spec} summarizes the possible objects that can be gravitational waves sources, their frequency emission and what kind of instrument can detect them. The terrestrial interferometric detectors are the most involved at present times, but the efforts of the scientific community are going towards the development of new detectors both ground- and space-based in order to widen the frequency window of observation.
\caption{Spectrum of emission of sources of gravitational waves (adapted from}
\caption[Sources of gravitational waves]{Spectrum of emission of sources of gravitational waves (adapted from}
......@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ The best modelled sources are binary systems, typically Neutron stars (NS), Whit
\caption{The three phases of a BH-BH binary system emitting gravitational waves (amplitude vs time). \textbf{Inspiral phase}: the orbits shrink, velocity increases and frequency of the waves emitted increases as $f_{gw} = 2f_{orbital}$. \textbf{Merging phase}: the objects merge and the signal is maximum. \textbf{Ring-down phase}: a new BH is formed and the signal emitted decreases in frequency as a damped sinusoid.}
\caption[Phases of gravitational waves emission by a binary system]{The three phases of a BH-BH binary system emitting gravitational waves (amplitude vs time). \textbf{Inspiral phase}: the orbits shrink, velocity increases and frequency of the waves emitted increases as $f_{gw} = 2f_{orbital}$. \textbf{Merging phase}: the objects merge and the signal is maximum. \textbf{Ring-down phase}: a new BH is formed and the signal emitted decreases in frequency as a damped sinusoid.}
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
\title{Very bad ideas}
\title{Innovative perspectives for seismic isolation of gravitational waves detectors}
\titlehead{A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy}
......@@ -26,14 +26,15 @@
\chapter{Statement of originality}
A brief summary of the project goes here.
A brief summary of the project goes here, with main results.
An introduction to frame the work and structure of the thesis go here.
Useful notations, constants and formulas here.
Useful notations, constants and formulas go here.
......@@ -69,6 +70,6 @@ Beginning of Gravitational Wave Astronomy}, ...
\ No newline at end of file
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